How to Get Wrinkles Out of a Windbreaker

Outdoor Wear
Credit: Author

Are you feeling frustrated because your favourite windbreaker has lost its wrinkle-free appeal? Don't worry–it's possible to get those pesky wrinkles out without having to buy a replacement. In this blog post, we'll explore several easy and effective methods for restoring your windbreaker to its original glory. So let's get started!

Julie Matthews
December 25, 2022


Wrinkles in windbreakers can ruin the look of the garment, making it appear sloppy and unkempt. Fortunately, there are several remedies you can use to remove wrinkles and restore your jacket to its original state. This guide will overview four simple tips for removing wrinkles from a windbreaker efficiently and effectively. By following these instructions carefully, you can minimise the time required to achieve wrinkle-free garments, allowing you to spend less time chasing wrinkles and more time doing what you love!

What Causes Wrinkles in Windbreakers?

Wrinkles in a windbreaker are the result of environmental conditions, wear and tear, and poor storage. Windbreakers, also known as windcheaters, are made from a thin fabric that can be easily wrinkled or creased when folded for storage. High humidity levels, as well as exposure to moisture or rain, can cause the fabric of a windbreaker to wrinkle or crease. Additionally, constant movement while wearing the jacket causes wrinkles to form around elbows and shoulders due to friction. Improperly storing the jacket in a closet can also contribute to wrinkling by allowing the fabric to shift position instead of maintaining its shape.

Pre-Treating the Windbreaker

Before attempting to remove wrinkles from a windbreaker, make sure to read the garment's care instructions. Some garments may not be able to withstand high heat and/or certain products.

If possible, begin pre-treating the windbreaker before washing or steaming. This method can help reduce the amount of wrinkle-fighting needed later. Start by lightly spraying the fabric with water from a spray bottle and gently smoothing it out with your hands or a soft-bristled brush. 

For stubborn wrinkles, apply a fabric-safe wrinkle releaser spray onto the fabric and allow it to air dry for one hour before washing or steaming. In addition, a few drops of fabric softener can be added directly onto the fabric for extra wrinkle-removal assistance.

Ironing the Windbreaker

Ironing the windbreaker is an effective method for removing wrinkles. Before ironing, it is important to check the care label as some materials may be harmed by heat. If suited to pressing, turn the garment inside out and place a damp cloth over the fabric. Use a low-heat setting on your iron and gently press back and forth across the fabric until all of the wrinkles are removed. It's best to use steam during this process as it will help set in those tough-to-budge wrinkles without damaging or burning the material. If iron isn’t available, you can also steam your windbreaker with a steamer; however, this method typically takes longer than ironing and may not produce satisfactory results.

Steaming the Windbreaker

Steaming the fabric of a windbreaker is a great way to get wrinkles out without damaging the material. It’s fast, effective, and easy to do. Before you begin, check your windbreaker’s tag for any washing or dry-cleaning instructions that may be provided.

-Hang the windbreaker on a hangar over a container of steaming water. Make sure that there is enough clearance between the steam and the fabric- too much heat could damage it. Use an old towel or curtain draped around the back of the coat to minimise potential water droplet splatter.

-Allow the steam from below to reach the top side of the windbreaker for 8–10 minutes (this will vary depending on how wrinkled it is). You should see steam coming up from beneath, not dripping from above as this will cause water spots on your garment

 -Gently remove wrinkled areas with your hands by stretching gently downward and outward as needed

 -Gently press most remaining wrinkles out with an iron on low setting and using small circular motions; repeat if necessary

 -Let your garment hang until completely cool

Washing the Windbreaker

Washing the windbreaker is an important step in removing wrinkles. While fabric care instructions may vary depending on the type of material your windbreaker is made from, some general steps can be taken to clean and de-wrinkle it. 

To start, you'll need a mild laundry detergent or soap that is specifically designed for synthetic or waterproof fabrics. If you are using a liquid detergent, put one capful into a sink or tub of cold water. If you use powdered detergent, mix it with the water until the powder dissolves completely and then submerge the windbreaker in the solution for no longer than 30 minutes.

When cleaning your windbreaker, make sure not to use hot water as this can cause damage to some fabric types. Additionally, avoid using bleach as this could fade colours and damage fibres permanently. 

When your garment has finished its soak time (no more than 30 minutes), rinse out all traces of soap with cold water until it runs clear. Next, place your wet garment into a washing machine and ‘spin’ on a cool setting with no other items of clothing - if necessary you can gently ‘pull’ on the garment while it is still in the machine to help stretch out any remaining wrinkles.

Finally, remove your windbreaker from the washer and hang it up on a clothesline outside or drying rack indoors overnight to dry completely - do not put it into a dryer or lay flat onto an ironing board as this may cause new wrinkles!

Hanging the Windbreaker

Simply hanging the windbreaker will work for minor wrinkles. Hang the coat in a steamy bathroom, or place it on a hanger in front of a humidifier. You can also try spritzing the garment lightly with water and hanging it up as well. Allow the fabric to hang for about 30 minutes and check to see if the wrinkles have been removed. If not, repeat the process until you've achieved your desired results.

If your windbreaker is especially wrinkled or tough, try using an iron or steamer instead. Ironing requires you to lay your windbreaker flat on an ironing board and use a low setting with steam to remove any major creases. When using a steamer, hold the nozzle several inches away from the fabric and steam gently until any wrinkles dissipate. Make sure to support heavier heavy fabrics while steaming to prevent sagging or stretching out of shape!


While there isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution to getting wrinkles out of windbreakers, some methods are more successful than others. The most effective solutions are usually the simplest, like using a steamer or iron and a cloth to protect the fabric, as well as laying it flat on the floor or hanging it up overnight. Other methods such as using a towel and hair dryer can work in a pinch, but they are not as reliable. Whichever method you choose, always keep your garment’s care label in mind when trying to get wrinkles out of your windbreaker so that you don’t accidentally cause damage to your fabric.

Heath and fitness enthusiast and mum of two.

Julie Matthews