How to Remove a Bathroom Mirror From the Wall

Bedding & Bath
Credit: Author

Have you ever felt like you need a break from yourself? Well, if you're looking to eliminate your reflection (at least temporarily) then it's time to learn how to remove a bathroom mirror from the wall! In this blog post, I'll be sharing all my tips and tricks on how to successfully detach the mirror and make a fresh start.

James Telford
December 22, 2022
Home & Garden


Homeowners may need to remove their bathroom mirror at some point, either when replacing it with a new model or moving it to a different location in the home. This can be a tricky process because mirrors are often heavy and are affixed to the wall with adhesives. It is important to take great care when removing a bathroom mirror so that you don’t cause any damage either to the mirror itself or the walls. This guide will provide step-by-step instructions on how to safely remove a bathroom mirror from the wall so that you can do it properly the first time around.

Safety Precautions

When removing a bathroom mirror, it is important to work safely and use appropriate tools to avoid damage to the wall or injury to yourself. Before you begin, here are some safety precautions that you should be aware of:

-Turn off the power supply at the breaker panel before installing or removing a bathroom mirror.

-Always wear safety glasses and gloves when handling glass, mirrors, or any other material that could break.

-Keep children and pets away from the area while working.

-Do not force anything - if something seems stuck, determine why before exerting more pressure which could cause damage or a potential injury.

-Check for hidden pipes or wires behind the wall before drilling any holes for fixtures.

-Ensure that all tools are in good condition and properly adjusted before use.

Tools Required

Before attempting to remove a bathroom mirror from the wall, it is important to ensure that you have all the necessary tools for the project. The primary tools needed are safety gear, such as safety glasses, and support equipment. To completely remove the bathroom mirror from the wall, you will need a drill, drill bits, a utility knife and possibly a hammer. Additionally, you should have some painter's tape for gentle support when handling the mirror. Finally, putty knives and rags can come in handy for cleaning up any bits of adhesive or glue when finished with your task.

Removing the Mirror

Removing a bathroom mirror from the wall requires several steps to ensure the mirror is not damaged in the process. Here are some steps to help you properly remove the mirror.

Step 1: Prepare the area. Before attempting to remove the mirror, make sure there is enough space and good lighting in the area. Use caution when turning on lights while working near glass items, as a bright light may cause a reflection that can cause an accident.

Step 2: If necessary, turn off power going to outlets and lights behind or near your bathroom mirror. Unplug any wiring going into outlets, such as towel warmers or heated towel rails, so they will not be damaged when removing the mirror. For wall-mounted mirrors with bulbs along their top frame, turn off power at the main fuse box before removing the mirror.

Step 3: Remove any decorative pieces that are attached to your bathroom mirror; these could include borders and lighting fixtures attached around your bathroom mirrors edges and frames.  

Step 4: Check for additional fastening devices; look behind your bathroom mirrors for various screws or nails being used other than those on its front side for holding its place against the wall surface  

Step 5: If available and applicable, use two small suction cups with ring handles (one on each side of the mirrors centre point) - wrap their handles with a cloth so as not to scratch any glass – apply suction cups onto the surface of two thirds up from the bottom of backside then gently pull on handle rings until suction cups release their grip from the backside of the glass, Use care when lifting it off by loosening each handle ring one by one simultaneously while using both hands while laying flat onto floor/table nearby  for safekeeping until ready for reinstallation later  

Disconnecting the Electrical Wiring

Before you can remove the bathroom mirror from the wall, it is important to disconnect the electrical wiring that powers it so you can do the job safely. Find a reliable source of information about home electrical wiring and follow its instructions. Be sure to turn off all circuits in the area and use appropriate protective gear like insulated gloves and eyewear to protect yourself when working with electrical components.

Disconnect or cut any wires or cords and disconnect the switch from the switches box if one exists. If you will be disposing of this bathroom mirror, be sure to either purchase a cover plate that matches your wall’s colour or paint over any exposed areas where a plate would have gone.

If any wires are not connected directly to a power source, you can often just leave them in place as long as they're properly insulated so they don't become unsafe in future. Alternatively, you may choose to carefully remove them at this time since it can make re-installing a new mirror easier later on.

Preparing the Wall for a New Mirror

After you have purchased a new bathroom mirror, it’s important to ensure you have prepared the wall so it will hang on correctly. Properly preparing the wall can prevent any future damage to your home as well as avoid any potential hazards.

Firstly, if the existing mirror is still in place, it must be removed. If possible, use suction cups to lift the mirror off of the wall without breaking apart. An alternative option is to cut through the old caulk and frames with a utility knife allowing you to then remove parts of the frame from around each side of the mirror one by one. Make sure to wear protective eyewear during this process as there may be fragments flying through the air due to chipping and crumbling old caulk or metal.

Next, remove any remaining residue from underneath and around where the previous frame was fixed, including caulk and any fastenings such as nails or screws that were previously used for support. Having all necessary tools on hand for scraping adhesive, dirt and grime is important for this process. It is also essential that proper safety equipment such as goggles and a dust mask be worn at all times when dealing with old caulk or plaster walls before fitting your new mirror to prevent any debris from getting into the eyes or lungs while removing material from the walls.

Installing a New Mirror

One of the most important aspects of replacing a bathroom mirror is taking due safety precautions. It is important to keep in mind that bathroom mirrors can be heavy and fragile, and thus, should be handled with much care during installation.

Before beginning the installation of a new bathroom mirror, make sure all necessary supplies are readily available and all tools are in working order. The supplies needed will depend on the design of the new mirror; however, some of the most common supplies used to secure a new mirror include an adhesive, screws or anchors, mounting brackets (optional), measuring tape, and level.

Once gathered these supplies together, begin by accurately measuring the wall space where the new mirror will be positioned and double-check the measurements against those provided by the manufacturer for the new mirror. If more than one person is carrying out this job then it may help to establish two separate people—one conducting measurements while another preparing adhesives or mounting hardware.

Once you have adequately measured out your space for installation, begin applying adhesives or secure needed mounting hardware to the wall at four corners of the planned frame area according to instructions provided with the new frame/mirror before positioning the mirror into place. If wanted or needed for additional support secured mounting hardware or brackets should also be included around the edge as well as pre-drilled pilot holes to ensure proper alignment within the frame/mirror after installation is complete. After attaching adhesives and/or mounting hardware—and only if sure no visible areas are left exposed—slowly place the hanger over any installed services such as light fixtures or outlets before carefully manoeuvring the entire unit into place onto a designated spot on the wall until successfully secured with adhesive/mounting hardware from previous steps.

In the last step use the level tool to check edge perimeter accuracy before securing the position entirely and ensuring no movement of the frame within a fixed position once attached to a wall surface for optimal presentation requirements met with satisfactory results every time!


Now you should have a better understanding of how to safely remove a bathroom mirror. Before attempting to pull the mirror off of the wall, be sure to shut off the power, wear protective safety gear, and use appropriate tools. With these simple steps in mind, you should be able to remove your mirror quickly and safely—ensuring your next round of updates can begin!

Passionate about helping people by improving their health. Former lawyer, travel addict and marathon runner.

James Telford