What Is a Normal Baby Temperature

Baby Tips
Credit: Author

Are you a new parent concerned about your baby's temperature? We’ve all been there. You press your hand against their forehead and try to get a sense of if they are too hot or too cold, but how exactly can you tell? In this blog post, we'll walk through what a normal temperature is for babies and offer advice on when to be worried. Let’s get started!

James Telford
December 23, 2022


To ensure your baby's health and well-being, it is important to understand what a normal temperature for a baby sleeping should be. Babies are not able to regulate their body temperature, so the environment where they sleep can have a significant effect on how comfortable and safe they are. By understanding the ideal sleeping temperature for babies, parents and caregivers can rest assured that their little one is sleeping in an appropriate environment. The following is an overview of what a normal temperature for a baby sleeping should be, as well as tips and tricks for helping keep your little one cool and cosy while napping.

What is a Normal Temperature for a Baby?

Maintaining a comfortable temperature while your baby is sleeping is important for both their safety and comfort. The basic rule of thumb when it comes to a baby's sleep environment is to dress your newborn in no more than one layer more than you would wear to be comfortable, plus a well-fitting sleep sack. In general, the temperature should be kept relatively cool -- somewhere between 68-72 degrees Fahrenheit.

It’s important to keep the temperature in your baby’s room consistent, so monitor it regularly and make sure you adjust airflow as necessary. A slightly cooler room can promote better quality sleep for everyone but keep in mind that babies have not yet developed the ability to regulate their body temperature efficiently, so avoid extremes and always check on them throughout the night.

To ensure reliable comfort, create an environment that’s consumer friendly. Install an adjustable thermostat if possible or use an appropriate fan in warmer weather and adjust bedding accordingly if necessary. It may also help to install monitoring devices such as additional thermometers or humidity controllers since temperature changes can be particularly damaging for babies. Also, pay attention to changes in climate outside; sudden drops or spikes can potentially create concerns beyond what you've established at home.

Striking the perfect balance between providing enough warmth while still keeping your baby comfortable is key here; as long as they appear relaxed it likely means they are at a proper sleeping temperature however it's best to check before bedtime anyway just to make sure nothing has changed during the night.

Factors that Affect a Baby's Temperature

When it comes to babies and their temperature, one of the most important factors is maintaining a safe and comfortable sleeping environment. While the normal body temperature for a baby can range from 97-100°F (36-38°C), certain factors may influence how warm or cool your baby is when they sleep. Being too hot or cold can influence a baby's ability to sleep soundly and safely. Understanding these factors is key to ensuring your little one gets a good night's rest.

Some of the more important things that may affect your baby's normal sleeping temperature include:

- Room Temperature: Keeping your baby’s room at a comfortable temperature, usually between 68-72°F (20-22°C) will ensure they stay comfortable during the night.

- Clothing: The type and amount of clothing your infant wears at night can affect their body temperature. A general rule of thumb is to dress them in one more layer than you would personally wear, so experiment with different layers if they seem unbearably cold or too warm.

- Time of Year: As we move from season to season it is necessary to adjust accordingly. During cooler months it might be appropriate for your child to wear thicker material such as fleece or quilted fabric for added warmth and protection against drafts. In warmer months, lightweight cotton or muslin may be preferable for keeping them cool while they sleep. Be mindful that air conditioning during summer may mean adjusting their clothing even further as some infants may find this too cold in comparison.

By determining which factors affect your baby's normal sleeping temperature, you'll be better able to determine what clothes they should wear to provide them with a safe and comfortable environment suitable for restful sleep throughout the year!

How to Monitor a Baby's Temperature

Parents often worry about the temperature of their baby’s bedroom. Monitoring a baby's temperature can be an important part of keeping them safe and comfortable. Generally, a baby’s bedroom should be between 16 - 20 degrees Celsius (61 - 68 degrees Fahrenheit). Ideally, the room should not get too cold or too hot for comfort.

Monitoring room temperature is one component of proper sleep safety for babies. To make sure your baby sleeps comfortably:

-Keep their bedroom cool and well-ventilated

-Set the desired temperature range in a thermostat or use an indoor thermometer to keep track of the current room temperature

-Dress them appropriately with layers depending on the season (babies are more sensitive to heat than adults)

-Make sure all doors and windows are securely closed

-Consider installing blinds or window shutters to block out strong sunlight

-Use a fan if available, although you should make sure that it's kept at a safe distance from your baby’s crib

-Avoid using electric blankets, heaters or humidifiers near where your baby sleeps

Signs of Too High or Too Low Temperature

When the temperature of the bedroom is too high or too low, your baby can become uncomfortable, and even in extreme cases, develop health problems. Signs that the bedroom may be too hot include overheating, sweating and increased fussiness. Signs that the bedroom may be too cold include shivering, chattering teeth and a chilly touch. It is recommended to maintain a comfortable room temperature of 16-20°C (61-68°F). If your child seems more uncomfortable than usual during sleep time, it would be wise to check the temperature of their room. Appropriate bedding should also be used to ensure your child stays comfortable in all conditions.

How to Keep a Baby's Temperature Normal

A baby's normal body temperature is typically within a range of 36.4 to 37.2 degrees Celsius (97-99 degrees Fahrenheit). Keeping a baby's temperature within this range is essential for ensuring their health and safety.

When dressing a baby for sleep, the goal is to ensure both comfort and comfort. This means that clothes should be fitted snugly, but with enough room for them to move and stretch without restriction. Loose clothing can become bunched up during sleep, leading to uncomfortable temperatures or an increased risk of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome).

In addition, it's important to think about the environment the baby is sleeping in. A good rule of thumb is to keep the temperature in the nursery between 18-20°C (65-68°F). Be sure to check your thermostat regularly while your baby sleeps so that you can make any necessary adjustments or corrections if it starts getting too warm or cold in the room.

To monitor your baby's temperature during sleep, use a reliable thermometer designed specifically for babies and sensitive enough to detect subtle changes in their temperature. It may also be beneficial to invest in an infant sleep monitoring device like Oma Sense that tracks babies' breathing movements, body position and temperature over time while they are sleeping safely in their cribs!

When to See a Doctor

It is important to monitor your baby's sleeping temperature to ensure they are comfortable and safe. Generally, Pediatricians suggest that babies sleep at a temperature between 60-68 degrees Fahrenheit (15.5 - 20 degrees Celsius). When the temperatures here deviate significantly from this range, it may be time to seek medical advice as this could be an indicator of an underlying illness.

You should see a doctor if your baby's sleeping temperature:

- Is higher than 68°F (20°C): A fever could indicate an infection or other serious health problems

- Is lower than 60°F (15.5°C): This could expose the baby to hypothermia or increase the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)

If you feel that your baby’s sleeping environment is too hot or cold for them, experiment with thicker blankets, better ventilation and lighter clothes for nighttime sleep. If you have any doubts about a fever or general temperature being too low at night, don’t hesitate to contact your child’s healthcare provider.


In general, a baby’s normal temperature should range between 97 to 99.5 degrees Fahrenheit, with a slight variance being in the normal range. A room temperature of 68-72 degrees usually provides an appropriate environment for the baby’s sleep. It is important to ensure that babies are dressed appropriately for the temperature and not too hot or too cold so that their natural body temperature can regulate and stay between 97 to 99.5 degrees Fahrenheit. If a baby's temperature falls out of this range for an extended period, or spikes to a feverish temp, it should be discussed with your child's healthcare provider immediately.

Passionate about helping people by improving their health. Former lawyer, travel addict and marathon runner.

James Telford