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Advice For Cats

Foods That Are Toxic For Cats

Did you know that some seemingly harmless and even delicious foods can be potentially harmful or even deadly for cats? It’s true, and in this blog, we’ll be discussing some of the most notorious offenders. So if you have a feline friend in your home, listen up—it's time to learn about the foods that cats should never eat!


John Parker


October 12, 2022

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Advice For Cats

Why Are Cats Scared of Cucumbers?

Everyone knows cats love to chase after mice, but what about cucumbers? It turns out that the mere sight of a cucumber can send cats running in fear. In today’s blog, we will explore why cats are afraid of cucumbers and how it has evolved into a beloved internet phenomenon. So put on your detective hat, grab a cup of coffee, and join me on this fascinating journey!


John Parker


December 2, 2022

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Why Do Dogs Sleep So Much?

Ah, why do dogs sleep so much? It's the age-old question that every dog owner has asked themselves at one point or another. Well, have no fear: today we're going to take a deep dive into the science behind why our beloved pooches need such long midday naps. So sit back, relax, and let's get ready to explore this mystery of the canine world!

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Advice For Cats

Why Do Cats Like Catnip?

Do cats love catnip? Some people think that it's just a myth, but we're here to tell you it's not! In this blog post, we'll explore the science behind why cats are so attracted to the plant, and why it makes them so crazy! So whether you have a feline friend at home or just want to know more - stay tuned for all the answers!

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Advice For Cats

Why Do Cats Have Whiskers?

Have you ever wondered why cats have whiskers? Well, you’re in the right place! Together we will explore the mysterious world of feline facial fuzz and find out why cats have whiskers in the first place. Get ready to find out all the answers to your questions - it's going to be a wild ride!

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Advice For Cats

Ring Worms in Cats - Everything You Need to Know

Are your furry feline friend’s fur looking a little rough around the edges? Suspecting ringworm in cats? Don’t fret—we have you covered! Discover everything you need to know about this pesky parasite, from prevention to treatment, right here.

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Advice for Dogs

Heat Stroke Signs For Dogs

Ah, it's summertime! Barking dogs in the backyard, a cool pool to dip your paws in - it's no wonder why so many of us love the warm months. But with sunny days come increased risks, especially when it comes to our furry friends. That’s why we’re here today: to discuss how to recognize the signs of heat stroke in our dogs so we can always keep them safe!

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Advice for Dogs

5 Reasons Why You Should Try This Calming Chew For Your Dog

These calming treats are designed to help dogs relieve stress and anxiety. They can be a great option if your pet tends to get too excited or rowdy. And best of all, they're easy to use.

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